Island wisdom, for the world, for the future.
2月12日付けで通知した「新型コロナウイルス関連肺炎に関する注意喚起(第3報)」のうち、「5 中国から日本への入国後は、次の通り対応をお願いします。」およびチャート図を変更しましたので通知します。
※ 青文字部分を追加しました。
- 当面の間、中国への渡航はできる限り控えてください。
- 春季休業期間等を利用して中国への渡航を計画している学生?教職員は、今後の可能性として、日本を出国後に同地域の危険レベルが引き上げられる場合や、新学期までに日本への入国が困難になるリスク等も考慮して、慎重に検討してください。
(連絡事項:旅行日程、滞在先、同行者、予定飛行便名、ツアー名等) - 渡航に際しては、現地情報の取得とともに、マスクの着用や手洗い?うがいの徹底など、感染対策につとめてください。
A) 湖北省もしくは浙江省から日本へ入国または湖北省もしくは浙江省在住の方と接触があった方
① 入国日から2週間以内に発熱(37.5℃以上)かつ呼吸器症状がある場合は、他の人との接触を避け、マスクを着用し、速やかに地域の保健所に電話相談するとともに、保健所から紹介された医療機関を受診すること。
② 現に症状がない場合は、入国後2週間は外出を控え、自身の健康状態の経過を厳重に観察すること。
B) 湖北省および浙江省を除く中国本土から日本へ入国し、湖北省および浙江省在住の方と接触がない方
① 入国日から2週間以内に発熱(37.5℃以上)かつ呼吸器症状がある場合は、他の人との接触を避け、マスクを着用するなどし、速やかに近くの医療機関を受診するとともに、受診結果を含め所属学部?研究科等の事務部に連絡し、就学?就業上の判断を仰ぐこと。
② 現に症状がない場合は、入国後2週間は自身の健康状態の経過を厳重に観察すること。
?たびレジ?-?外務省 海外安全情報配信サービス
?中華人民共和国湖北省武漢市における新型コロナウイルス関連肺炎の発生について(厚生労働省 )
Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 4)
February 14, 2020
On February 13, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan, provided the notification informing of a change in measures to be taken for school children and students who returned to Japan from the Mainland China (including Hong Kong and Macau). In addition to Hubei Province, the same measures should be taken for those who returned to Japan from Zhejiang Province and who had contact with a resident in Zhejiang Province.
University is providing the Warning (No.4). “5. After entering Japan from China, BE SURE to follow the instructions below:” in the Warning (No.3) notified on February 12 and the attached chart have been changed accordingly.
*The words written in blue were added this time.
For the time being, please refrain from traveling to China as much as possible.
For students and faculty/staff members who are planning to travel to China during the spring vacation, etc., there are possibilities that the Infections Disease Risk Level for China might be raised after leaving Japan or having difficulties in returning to Japan by the Spring semester. It is strongly recommended to consider carefully these risks.
In case a travel to China is unavoidable, you must contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School BEFORE traveling.
(Information to be reported; travel itinerary, destination, accompanying person(s), tour name, etc.) -
When traveling to China, you must obtain local information and take measures to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask, washing hands thoroughly and gargling.
After returning to Japan from China, BE SURE to follow the instructions below:
※ Please refer to the attached chart. Chart (As of Feb.14).
A) For those who returned to Japan from Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province or had contact with a resident of Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province, BE SURE to follow the instructions below:
① If you have a fever (37.5 ° C or more) and any respiratory symptom within 2 weeks of entering Japan, avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, etc., contact a public health center by telephone immediately and consult a medical institution recommended by the public health center.
In addition, contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School, report the instructions received from the public health center and diagnosis by the medical institution, and ask for instructions about your study or work in Spring semester.
② If you don’t have a fever (37.5 ° C or more) or any respiratory symptom at present, refrain from going out for 2 weeks after entering Japan and observe your health condition carefully.
In addition, contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School to ask for instructions about your study or work in Spring semester.
In case any symptom appears, follow the instruction described in ①.
B) For those who returned to Japan from areas in China other than Hubei Province and Zhejiang Province and had contact with neither a resident of Hubei Province nor Zhejiang Province, BE SURE to follow the instructions below:
① If you have a fever (37.5 ° C or more) and any respiratory symptom within 2 weeks of entering Japan, avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, etc., consult a medical institution immediately.
In addition, contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School, report about diagnosis by the medical institutions, and ask for instructions about your study or work in Spring semester.
② If you don’t have fever (37.5 ° C or more) or any respiratory symptom at present, refrain from going out for 2 weeks after returning to Japan and observe your health condition carefully.
In case any symptom appears, follow the instruction described in ①.
Risk Management Headquarter
(for New Coronavirus Infection Control)
University of the Ryukyus ??
Previous News:
Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 3)
Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 1&2)
※Please refer to the following websites:
【Ministry of Justice】
【Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare】
【Regarding measures against Infectious Diseases related to the New Coronavirus】
(Cabinet Secretariat official website)
【Q & A on new coronavirus-related infections in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China】
(as of January 27, 2020)