An advanced medical treatment center that trains medical personnel with a strong international outlook
The philosophy of the University Hospital is to provide high-quality medical care that focuses on the person who is ill and to train medical personnel with a strongly international outlook. The hospital’s guiding principles are to practice kind medicine that respects the dignity of life, to improve the health, medical care, and welfare of the community, and to contribute to community medical care, while at the same time, accomplishing the hospital’s mission of developing, applying, and evaluating advanced medical technology.
Because the Hospital is the only advanced treatment hospital in Okinawa Prefecture, it is responsible for providing advanced medical treatment on a daily basis. In 2007, the hospital was designated as a hub hospital for AIDS diagnosis and treatment, in 2008, as a prefecture-level regional-network cancer hospital, in 2009, as Okinawa Prefecture’s regional-network hospital for liver diseases, and in 2011, as a hub hospital for medical care in isolated areas. Although the hospital is responsible for providing advanced medical care and community medical care in Okinawa Prefecture, it is also called upon to contribute to medical care in Southeast Asia in fields such as infectious diseases. The hospital is also involved in medical education via the Okinawa Clinical Simulation Center, in regenerative medicine using adipose stem cells via the Regenerative Medicine Research Center, and in advanced medical care ? such as surgery and rehabilitation ? using robots.
→Website( English / Japanese )

Regenerative Medicine Research Center (opened June 2015)

Okinawa Clinical Simulation Center (opened April 2012)