The University Evaluation and IR Management Center was founded on April 1, 2017 for the purpose of promoting activities that contribute to improvement and reform of education, research, etc. The center was created through the merging of two of the university’s existing management-promotion organizations, i.e., the University Evaluation Center and the IR Promotion Office. The main activities of the center, internal assessment and evaluation at the university, are to put the center’s institutional research (IR) functions to effective use in carrying out planning and studies by means of the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle, to enhance the university’s internal assessment and evaluation activities, to create an internal quality-assurance system, and to follow up on performance evaluations carried out by the National University Corporation Evaluation Committee and on third-party evaluations such as evaluations of educational and research activities carried out by accreditation bodies. In addition to quality assurance activities that make use of its IR functions, the center also works to strategically redistribute university resources and to reinforce the support allocated to the accomplishment of key policies.