Scholarships for Privately Financed Students
Programs exclusive to the university in support of international student exchange
The university has established support programs of its own to render financial aid in forms such as grant-type scholarships to promote international student exchange. Such programs foster globalization by allowing a greater number of exemplary students to study abroad, while enabling the University to accept more international students who wish to study in Okinawa.
Cultivating global talent via the University of the Ryukyus Kishimoto Endowment Fund
The program is sponsored by the University of the Ryukyus Kishimoto Endowment Fund, established in the US by University alumnus Masayuki Kishimoto, to nurture students with a global outlook by awarding scholarships and study-abroad reserve funds to recipients such as Japanese students whom the program sends abroad as exchange students.
Aiding international student exchange via the University of the Ryukyus QUEST* Fund
This program is funded with an endowment from a benevolent university alumnus, and provides assistance for short-term training and other purposes. Established to aid international student exchange, recipients include more than a hundred of the University’s students who study abroad each year, as well as international students whom the University receives as exchange students.
*QUEST: Quality Education and Support for Tomorrow