March 29, 2023
To Students, Faculty and Staff members,
Risk Management Headquarters (for COVID-19 Infection Control)
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your understanding and cooperation to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has noticed us as shown in the attached link, and the followings are the main points of the notice.
1. Mask-wearing at a university
(1) Mask-wearing is not required in educational and research activities as a basic rule.
(2) Mask-wearing is encouraged when visiting medical institutions and elderly facilities.
(3) Not to force someone to wear or take off their masks.
(4) Take appropriate measures to prevent discrimination or prejudice among students regarding whether or not they wear masks.
(5) Continue to take appropriate basic measures against COVID-19, such as “avoiding Three Cs”, “practicing social distancing”, “hand washing”, and
? ? ? “ventilation”.
2. Learner-centered educational activities
(1) Efforts should be made to implement learner-centered educational activities, including appropriate implementation of face-to-face classes and remote
? ? ? classes, while taking appropriate measures against COVID-19 based on the infection situation in the region.
(2) Efforts should be made to make the library and other on-campus facilities available for use by students, faculty, and staff members.
(3) With regard to vaccination for COVID-19, it should be noted that unfair discrimination based on non-vaccination is not allowed, and that vaccination is
? ? ? not made a condition for participation in the educational activities of the school.
(4) In cases where face-to-face classes are combined with remote classes, it should be noted that there may be students who lack opportunities for
? ? ? face-to-face classes depending on their faculty or grade, etc., and consideration should be given as necessary to ensure study opportunities and
? ? ? mental health care, etc. for such students.
[Attachment] (Notification from MEXT)