April 24, 2020
To Students, Faculty and Staff Members:
Risk Management Headquarter
(for New Coronavirus Infection Control)
University of the Ryukyus
“Warnings for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia” has been changed to “Warning for New Coronavirus Infection” since the spread of COVID-19 has been growing in Japan and overseas. Additional information is added to the past warnings. Please read the following information thoroughly and take appropriate measures.
The University will keep updating the COVID-19 alert measures as the situation changes.
For students, important notices and updated information will be sent to the email addresses provided by the University. Please set your smartphone to get the information.
(Major changes) ※Main changes are underlined in red ※Requests of Okinawa Prefecture (Governor) to residents (requests for cooperation) Flowchart: Instructions for those who are infected or suspected of new conoravirus
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※Requests of Okinawa Prefecture (Governor) to residents (requests for cooperation)
Formulating implementation policy by Okinawa Prefecture in response to the State of Emergency for New Coronavirus Infection declared by Okinawa Prefecture
In response to the request by the Governor of Okinawa for temporary closures of seven ?types of facilities/industries, the University has been implementing the further restrictions on activities (prohibiting entry into the campus, conducting online lectures, suspending research activities) from April 23, 2020.
《Prevention of the spread of infection》
1. Students, faculty, and staff members should always take measures for hygiene management and prevention from infection, such as washing hands frequently with soap, practicing cough etiquette, and wearing a mask. Also, please avoid participating in events where many people gather and eating, drinking and sharing food with multiple people in a closed space as much as possible.
In particular, there are cases of young people who have inapparent infections (infected but have no symptoms). Because there are possibilities that you may become a spreader (infection source) and infect other people, it is important to keep in your mind to avoid any actions to spread infection.
《Health observation》
2. Students, faculty, and staff members should observe health conditions everyday by taking body temperature.
You can download “Health Diary” app or “Health Check Sheet” from the following website:http://rais.skr.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/dc/?p=9719(Ryukyus Academic Information System)
Students, faculty and staff members who have a fever or any symptoms of a cold, follow the instructions below.
Please follow the flowcharts and make contact.
① Rest at home
② Refrain from going out
《General guideline for consultation and going to a hospital》
3. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please consult with the Returnees and Contact Center (in Okinawa, a public health center in your residence area).
??Having any cold symptoms or a fever (37.5 ° C or above) for 4 days or longer
?Having sense of weariness (fatigue) or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
After the consultation, if you are suspected of new coronavirus infection, consult a medical institution that you are instructed to go.
◆ Returnees and Contact Centers for New Coronavirus (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website: in Japanese)?? https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/covid19-kikokusyasessyokusya.html
In case you are diagnosed as COVID-19, contact your faculty/graduate school office immediately.
《Refraining from traveling (including business trips)》
4. Students, faculty and staff members should refrain from traveling (including business trips) to areas outside Okinawa as well as remote islands of Okinawa.
Based on the Okinawa Prefecture Implementation Policy, those who came (or returned) from outside of Okinawa will be requested for cooperation for staying at home for 14 days.
For faculty and staff members, in case traveling is unavoidable (for example, engaging in medical treatment in a remote island, custody of a child and so on), you need to obtain a permission for traveling from the President by submitting a statement of reason for an essential travel.
In addition, based on the statement of the Okinawa Governor, record your health conditions for two weeks after returning (coming) from outside of Okinawa by using “Health Diary” app or “Health Check Sheet” mentioned above in 2 and observe any changes of your health conditions.
《Prohibition of Overseas Travels》
5. Students, faculty and staff members are prohibited from traveling abroad. The University will determine the end of the period for this measure depending on situations in the days ahead.
《Returnees and Visitors from Countries/Areas with Warning on Infectious Disease Level 2 or higher》
6. For students, faculty and staff members who returned from abroad, you must contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School and follow the instructions. (Please refer to the attached chart)
For students, faculty and staff members who are currently staying abroad, if you fall under any of the following, you must stay home for 14 days and observe your health condition carefully (check your body temperature twice a day, observe any symptoms, and so on) and keep a record.
?Students, faculty and staff members who returned or came from a country/area with MOFA’s Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Disease Level 2 (Please refrain from unnecessary and non-urgent travels) or higher:
*As of March 31, 2020, all countries and areas all over the world are designated as Infectious Disease Level 2 or higher.
???? https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/index.html
If you are concerned about measures by the Japanese Government towards those returning to/entering Japan (such as request for stay at an airport) or about your study or work due to the measures mentioned above, please contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School.
《Refraining from holding and participating in events》
7. As a general rule, any event hosted by a faculty or a faculty member of the University must be canceled or postponed.
《Treating absence treated as official absence》
8. If a student is infected or suspected of new coronavirus infection and the University determined that the student should not come to the university, the University treats the student’s absence as official absence.
《Accepting foreign researchers》
9. If a faculty member is planning to accept a foreign researcher from a country/area designated as MOFA’s Warning on Infectious Disease Level 2 or higher, please cancel or postpone accepting a researcher.
《Prohibition of Club/Circle and Volunteer Activities》
10. As a general rule, students, faculty and staff members are prohibited from participating in any club/circle and volunteer activities.
《Refraining from holding a meeting》
11. Concerning holding a meeting in the University, as a general rule, remote meetings should be held (online, teleconference, email).
《Reference Information for Students, Faculty and Staff Members》
12. While we are in the pandemic state, it is very important to obtain useful information such as local conditions, infection prevention, measures, support, and care for reducing stress. Please refer to the following websites in addition to related websites and news introduced before.
(Information with ◎ mark is particularly useful.)
(in Japanese)
- ”Situations of new coronavirus infection in Okinawa Prefecture” (Pref. of Okinawa)
- ◎“-For Students- Mental health care related to prevention of the infection spread” (Health Administration Center)
- ◎“-Faculty and Staff Members- Mental health care related to prevention of the infection spread” (Health Administration Center)
- ◎“Illustrations of new coronavirus” (April 1, 2020, The Manichi Newspapers)
- ◎“Maintaining mental health during the pandemic” (Japanese Red Cross Society)
- ◎"Understanding three aspects of new coronavirus – to cut off the negative spiral” (Japanese Red Cross Society)
- “Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19(Inter-Agency Standing Committees: IASC)
Situations have been changing daily. Please check the updated information and the following websites. Also, please pay careful attention to your personal information and be calm and coolheaded.
【Related websites】
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
- Prime Minister’s Office
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Travel and Overseas Residential Registration
- Message from the President of Japan Association of National Universities
Instructions for those who have high possibilities of infection

Instructions for students and faculty/staff members who returned to/entered into Japan from foreign countries
Contact details for faculties and departments
Faculty/Graduate School/Student Division | Section | Phone | |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences/ Faculty of Law & Letters |
Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-8188 | hbgakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences | |||
Graduate School of Law | Law School Section | 098-895-8091 | hbhkdak@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Faculty of Global & Regional Studies/ Faculty of Tourism Sciences & Industrial Management | Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-9053 | ktgakumu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Graduate School of Tourism Sciences | |||
Faculty of Education | Graduate School Section | 098-895-8317 | kigakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Graduate School of Education | Graduate School Section | 098-895-8312 | kikyosho@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Faculty of Science/Graduate School of Engineering and Science (Science Major) | Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-8595 | rggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Faculty of Medicine | Student Support Subsection, Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-1055 | igzgaksien@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Graduate School of Medicine/Graduate School of Health Sciences | |||
Faculty of Engineering/ Graduate School of Engineering & Science (Engineering major) | Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-8583 | kggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Faculty of Agriculture/ Graduate School of Agriculture | Academic Affairs Section | 098-895-8738 | nggakmu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |
Student Support Section, Student Affairs Division | General Education Subsection | 098-895-8854 | kykyotsu@acs.u-ryukyu.ac.jp |