
Regarding the Restrictions on Activities in Response to the Emergency Measures Announced by the Okinawa Prefecture

April 23, 2020

Based on the nationwide state of emergency declared by the Japanese Government on April 16, the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture announced the emergency measures on April 22 and requested temporary closures of seven types of facilities/industries, including universities, from April 23 (Thu) to May 6 (Wed.).?

We, at the University of the Ryukyus, are already putting restrictions on our activities based on the observations on the current situation. However, to ensure the health of our students, faculty and staff members, as well as to curb the spread of the new coronavirus infection in Okinawa, as the university contributing to the local community, we regard that it is only right to cooperate to the request of the Governor and decided to put further restrictions on activities on campus from today (except University Hospital).?

“These Restrictions on Activities”?are considered to be extremely important measures to ensure the safety of our university and society. I ask all students, faculty and staff members for kind cooperation. I would also like to ask the local community to kindly understand the policy of the University of the Ryukyus.?

However, our restriction measure will be flexibly revised in response to the changes in the situation. We will announce necessary information on our webpage “Summary of the news regarding the new coronavirus infection (in Japanese)”, so please check regularly.?

Official webpage in English : /en/

The Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting of the Government held yesterday pointed out that it is important to be thorough on the reduction of social contact by 80%. As Golden Week holidays are approaching, they are strongly concerned about the movement of people who visit their parents and travel for leisure as it could cause a nationwide spread of the disease and presented “10 recommendations to reduce the social contact by 80%” such as “visit your families and relatives online”. Please check the recommendations as well.?

University of the Ryukyus