Island wisdom, for the world, for the future.
Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 2)
February 5, 2020
On January 31, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, has raised the Infectious Disease Risk Level for areas other than Hubei Province in China to "Level 2: Avoid Non-Essential Travel”.? For Hubei Province, the Risk Level is 3: “Avoid All Travel” [Warning to stop traveling].
- For the time being, please refrain from traveling to China as much as possible.
- For students and faculty/staff members who are planning to travel to China during the spring vacation, etc., there are possibilities that the Infections Disease Risk Level for China might be raised after leaving Japan or having difficulties in returning to Japan by the Spring semester. It is strongly recommended to consider carefully these risks.
In case a travel to China is unavoidable, you must contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School BEFORE traveling.
(Information to be reported; travel itinerary, destination, accompanying person(s), tour name, etc.) - When traveling to China, you must obtain local information and take measures to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask and washing hands thoroughly.
- After entering Japan from China, BE SURE to follow the instructions below:
① If you have fever (37.5 ° C or more) or respiratory symptoms within 2 weeks of entering Japan, avoid contact with other people, wear a mask, etc., immediately contact a local health center and follow instructions.
In addition, contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School, report about symptoms and any instructions received from the public health center and ask about your study or work in Spring semester.
② For those who have stopped in Hubei Province or who have had contact with a resident in Hubei Province, refrain from going out for 2 weeks after returning to Japan and observe carefully your health condition EVEN IF you don’t have fever (37.5 ° C or more) or respiratory symptoms at the time of entry.
In addition, contact the office of your Faculty/Graduate School to ask about your study or work in Spring semester.
Risk Management Headquarter
(for New Coronavirus Infection Control)
University of the Ryukyus ??
Warning for New Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia (No 1)
February 4, 2020
Health Administration Center
Many cases of pneumonia associated with the New Coronavirus have been reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China since December last year, and cases of infection in Japan have been also reported.
On January 28, 2020, the Cabinet Order to determine the New Coronavirus Infectious Disease as a "Designated Infectious Disease" was decided.
For those who have visited this area for business or travel, or have had close contact with any infected person, in case you have experienced any respiratory symptom such as a fever or cough, please consult the nearest health center in advance by telephone and consult a medical institution according to instructions.
?[Click here for jurisdictional health centers]
Please check information about a health center in your area in the website of "Health and Medical Division" of Okinawa Prefecture.
【Designated Hospitals】
University of the Ryukyus Hospital
Okinawa Prefectural Nambu (Southern) Medical Center/Children's Medical Center
Okinawa Prefectural Hokubu (Northern) Hospital
Okinawa Prefectural Chubu (Central) Hospital
Okinawa Prefectural Yaeyama Hospital
Okinawa Prefectural Miyako Hospital
You don’t have to become too much concerned.? Please take ordinary measures to prevent infection such as wearing a mask and thoroughly washing your hands, and take adequate rest.
※Please refer to the following websites:
【Regarding measures against Infectious Diseases related to the New Coronavirus】
(Cabinet Secretariat official website)
【Q & A on new coronavirus-related infections in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China】
(as of January 27, 2020)
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/dengue_fever _qa_00001.html